
© Wildproject

Wednesday 6 October 2021 ↦ 19h30

«Une bête entre les lignes»

Evoking the animal in literature. Discussion and readings.

With Anne Simon, director of research at the cnrs and specialist in contemporary literature.

"By 'we,' Iʼmean the birds, the stream, the dog, and me." 

Aldo Leopold, Almanac dʼun Comté des sables 

On the occasion of the publication of her zoopoetics essay Une bête entre les lignes (A Beast Between the Lines) by Wildproject Editions, Anne Simon invites us to walk with the animals that populate our books.

She will make us listen to the breath of the beasts lurking in their margins, pay attention to their surges, their escapes and their flights. Creative language is undoubtedly a hallmark of the human species: yet it is shot through with animality - from the animated letters that make up our alphabet, to the heavy symbols that cover the singular lives of beasts or conversely the curious narratives of their fantastic ways of being. As lifeʼs journey becomes depopulated, Anne Simonʼs investigation enjoins us to care for language so that it continues to open worlds and evoke the fascinating enigma of our intertwining with other living things.

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