Zazato, 2016 © Cadine Navarro
Wednesday 19 June 2019 ↦ à 19H30
Wild frequencies
With the artist Cadine Navarro and other guests
Summinagashi or "floating ink" is a Japanese technique of placing concentric ink circles on the surface of the water. By the breath an emerges motif which is then transferred to paper. Repeating this technique, the artist Cadine Navarro will offer visual materializations of animal voices during a sound performance.In echo, the linguist and bioacoustician Julien Meyer will speak to us of correspondences and translations between the whistle language of Gavião hunters in the Amazon and the worlds Sound animals they pursue. Under the dense cover of the forest, the art of whistling, addressed to humans and animals, persists despite the threat of deforestation.
(Automatically translated with Google Translate)